It’s important to know and understand what regulations are in place when working at heights.

What is PUWER?

The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER) is a set of UK health and safety regulations that ensure the safe use of work equipment in the workplace. It covers equipment selection, maintenance, and training.

Employers must conduct risk assessments and implement control measures to minimize hazards. Employees must receive proper training and instructions on equipment use. Regular inspections and examinations are required. Clear markings and information about risks must be provided. PUWER applies to all work equipment used by employees, with the exception of certain situations.

What is LOLER?

The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) is a UK health and safety regulation that sets out requirements for the safe use of lifting equipment in the workplace. It covers the planning, supervision, and operation of lifting operations.

Employers must ensure that equipment is of suitable strength and stability, and properly maintained and inspected. Appropriate training and information should be given to operators. Thorough examinations of lifting equipment must be carried out by competent individuals. LOLER applies to all lifting operations and equipment used for lifting or lowering loads, including cranes, lifts, and hoists.